Derinders & Membrane Skinners

New Derinders and Membrane Skinners

Official UK partners for the leading manufacturer of De-Rinders & Membrane Skinners. Maja, has gone from strength to strength and now owned by Marel. We stock table tops, open tops as well as automatic conveyorised machines for all required throughputs. Various product rollers & widths available. Manufactured in Germany.

Meat Derinders & Membrane Skinners

Maja’s industrial range of versatile meat derinding machines are suitable for a wide variety of meat applications. Maja’s solid base plates house high strain components including drives, transport rollers, blade holders & pressure rollers. This results in permanent cutting precision. Solid, Sturdy, Durable, approved since 1955.

Open Top

Maja’s open top derinding range include some of the best selling derinders in the UK. The small models are ideally suited for derinding hams, shoulders and other round products. Looking to automate production? The ESM 5550 is the perfect entry level table top model for meat applications. Also available with larger cutting widths.


MAJA ESB conveyorised derinding machines are made for the safe derinding of flat meat cuts through an infeed conveyor belt. Moreover, round cuts can be manually derinded in the open-top version, in accordance with the EU regulations. In conveyorized mode, it can also serve for automatic slicing of thin meat and fat plates.

OPS Safety System

Employers are now able to offer a highly reliable protection system to skinning machine operators.

The MAJA-OPS considerably reduces the risk of heavy injuries to the operator’s fingers and hands during work with open-top MAJA skinners. It offers additional protection above and beyond the EU safety regulation EN 12355 for skinning machines. The protective function works by stopping the skinning mechanism significantly faster than the normal response time of an operator.


Units 1-6 Mountain Farm, Marsh Road, Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent, TN26 2JD. | Registered No: 05766547, Registered in England.

EORI No’s: GB621813661000 XI EORI number (Ireland) XI621813661000s