Berkel SLC350 Slicer


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Berkel SLC350 Gear-driven gravity feed manual slicer, with powerful fan-cooled motor and large product holder suitable for big-sized and heavy products.

Single hand knife sharpener operation with sliding blade edge guard.


Options available:

180 stainless steel hopper for vegetables

Carriage with tow adjustable fising grips for slicing more than one product

Adjustable fence

Teflon coated surfaces

Technical Data

Power 240V, 50 Hz, 330w Motor

Units 1-6 Mountain Farm, Marsh Road, Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent, TN26 2JD. | Registered No: 05766547, Registered in England.

EORI No’s: GB621813661000 XI EORI number (Ireland) XI621813661000s